We are both market research professionals who have worked more than fifteen years in different market research agencies such us Mora y Araujo, Noguera & Asoc.; Mónica Kleiman SRL; Research International and Melnik Burke, among others.
During those days, in our daily work we used to ask ourselves, surely like some of you, where to find a list of suppliers for market research.
And it was because of that question that we started working to develop DIMM in Argentina and now adding DIMMenSION to cover Latin American region.
In 2015 we included DIMMbates to our business portfolio; breakfasts with debates/discussions about current issues related to the industry. A DIMM.batientes panel (professionals from the industry with different profiles and from different areas (media, planning, market research agencies, companies) lead the discussion guided by a moderator. Afterwards, discussion is open to the audience, to offer everybody the possibility to participate.
DIMM Laboral offers job search and selection for market research positions exclusively both to market research agencies and companies. Our experience and trajectory in the industry allow us to know accurately job descriptions and profiles required to find the adequate professional for each position.